I drew a different character on each card. It's been fun going through all the card sets and drawing my favorite kids. I drew most of them in the middle of a move, so there was a period where I had to draw them wherever I could get internet access, since I was using Barren Aaron's GPK website as reference. Thanks a lot Aaron for having such an in depth site! So I ended up drawing them in restaurants, bars, friend's houses, Wherever there was internet access and a table to draw on.
I drew 250 of them for this set plus 10 return cards. I'll be fully painting those. I haven't drawn my returns yet, so if anyone has a character they'd like, let me know! I'll be selling them!
Steve Potter posted a 10 question interview with me on his blog.
click here to to read the interview

Cool! I hope to open a pack and find one :)
Damnnnn sweeeeeeet Brent.
Thanks guys!
Aaron, Your website helped a lot! I don't own all the old cards, so they were just a click away.
Fantastic work, Brent. Can't wait to add a few to my collection.
Awesome work Brent, I can really tell that you had fun making these.
I would just sell them blank and let the buyer choose what they want on them. Probably could get more $$ that way as the possibilities are endless. Just a thought :)
Know I've told you elsewhere, but fabulous work, Brent. Buying a case and if I don't pull one of yours, I will be heartbroken. Here's hoping for that Drippy Dan one.
Great work Brent :)
I so wannna pull that TV Stevie one lol
Very beautiful artwork Brent- I pulled the pumpkin (i think hes called Duncan Pumpkin) one today from a retail pack- it's presently on eBay (user ID map711 )- super clean artwork and smudge free- thanks for sharing your talents with all of us
Actually I researched some more and the sketch I pulled is jack-O-lantern
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